Nos, lett volna ugyebár ez a K-Culture Festival néven futó dolog Düsseldorfban. Igencsak impozáns fellépőlistával: Block.B, VIXX, MBLAQ, BTOB, Got7, Ailee. A dátum szeptember 12 / 13, vagyis a jegyelővét már ment egy jó ideje, emberek tömege fizette ki a jegyet, repjegyet, szállást, mindent. Erre most hirtelen, a semmiből mindenki aki vett jegyet, kapott egy rettenet angolsággal megírt, zavaros üzenetet (a poszt végén: #1), aminek a lényege kb. annyi volt, hogy “Bocs, a fesztivál elmarad. Lehet majd egyszer lesz valami pénzvisszafizetés. Okokat nem mondhatjuk meg, mert az üzleti titok.” Ennyi. De az egészből az tűnik ki, hogy csináltak valami online felmérést még régebben, ami alapján úgy gondolták, hogy sose látott nézőszám lesz és irgalmatlan összegeket keresnek majd vele. Aztán nem úgy mentek a jegyeladások, mint gondolták, ezért alig két héttel az egész előtt lemondták a dolgot. Csak így. Magyarázat nélkül, a jegyvisszafizetést sem tisztázva, nem beszélve arról, hogy ha az lesz is esetleg, a rajongók, akik már kifizették az utazásuk, stb mindenképpen megszívják.
Ez volt az állapot az első körben, aztán jöttek a fejlemények. Mint kiderült a lemondás, bejelentés a koreai szervezőtől, egy bizonyos DIF One nevezetű cégtől jött és az európai szervezőket ugyanolyan meglepetésként érte (állításuk szerint), mint a rajongókat. Hogy szebb legyen a sztori, a koreai cég ezután törölte magát facebookról és nem válaszol a német szervezők leveleire, megkereséseire sem. Utóbbiak, mármint a németek mondjuk igérgetik (a poszt végén: #2-4), hogy lesz majd valami hivatalos bejelentés, meg elvileg dolgoznak azon, hogy visszakapja a pénzét mindenki, de mivel a bevétel láthatólag a koreaiakhoz futott be (!), így… Nos, fee tudja mennyi esély van erre. Tanulság? A rajongóknak sajnos semmi, maximum annyi, hogy tényleg senkiben nem lehet megbízni a koreai koncertek szervezői közül, csak az olyan nagy múltú, tapasztalt, közismert turnészervező cégekben, mint a B7Klan vagy a Twisted Talent. Merthogy ebben az esetben az európai szervező ismét valami tökismeretlen cég volt. Az utóbbiaknak, mármint a fesztivál európai szervezőinek meg annyi, hogy azért ne vállaljanak már be egy sok-sok-sok milliós költségvetésű koncertet normális kontakt és megfelelő garanciák nélkül… Amatőrök, komolyan.
A plusz kérdés meg persze az, hogy mindennek milyen hatása lesz a VIXX koncertre? Amit ugyebár direkt úgy szerveztek, hogy a K-Culture Festivallal egy időben legyen, mert akkor van a csapat Európában. Talán bizakodásra ad okot valamennyire, hogy mind a koreai, mind a francia szervezők mások, mint akik a fesztivált csinálták, de reméljük hamarosan érkezik majd valamifajta hivatalos bejelentés is. Frissítés: meg is érkezett a bejelentés, egyenesen a VIXX menedzsmenttől, hogy a két koncert a tervek szerint meg lesz tartva, szóval állítják, hogy nincs ok az aggodalomra.
Az eredeti, angol bejelentések:
I am so sorry that I send you bad news of K-Culture Festival in Germany.
This is a [Written Apology].
We apologize for delivering this information so close to the event.
First, we really appreciate you for many support and love at “@014 K-Culture Festival in Germany’ will be hold on Dusseldorf, Germany from 12th to 13th September.
We also are preparing this festival for successful through many voting with you from last October and predict fully possible of Germany through market research of K-Pop Concert in Europe.
Furthermore, partners who help hard us nowadays also predict much demand because it doesn’t have a mega Korean event like “K-Pop Concert in Germany.
However we officially announce “2014 K-Culture Festival in Germany’ is cancelled as a result because we judge that we can’t proceed it anymore.
We apologize again for disappointing many European fans who wait for K-Pop concert for a long time.
But we judge that if it goes on continuously, we don’t handle bigger problem after festival and stop all progress of festival in this time with about 15 days still remaining.
We are really sorry for K-pop fans who support and give love “2014 K-Pop Culture Festival in Germany’ nowadays.
We are really sorry for partners who struggled hard for ‘2014 K-Culture Festival in Germany’ in all parts of the Europe.
We are sincerely sorry for everyone involved who are eager for progress of ‘2014 K-Culture Festival in Germany’.
* We are really sorry that we will notice about concert ticket refund.
I’d like to tell you why this concert is cancelled but I can’t because it is business part. Just our prediction was miles out.
I am sorry that I send bad news again.
Thank you.
K-Culture Festival.
#2 (forrás):
The Korean Organizer of the concert “Dif One” just called the german team and told us that the concert is cancelled. This is also for us a big shock since we tried our best until this weekend to do all which is possible for the concert. As you might have noticed he also cancelled his Facebook Profile by now. We as the german team will not disappear and we will try our best to take them responsible. We apologize for everything but we want you to understand that we as the german team started to work starting July and everything which was before [VIPP Tickets, bad communication etc.] was done only by the Korean side. We did assist them but did not plan the event. You might have noticed that the german or english translation started to look better after a while. This was when we started working on the concert. We will take legal steps and are talking with our lawyer right now. We will keep you updated. We apologise again and can not say enough how disappointed we are as well.
Also we want to say that the emails which has been sent to our partners were not from us. We will keep you updated on the refunding of the Eventim Tickets. The VIPP Tickets were not sold by us.
Please note that the german team did the translation (From Korean to German and English); Organising and talking with the concert hall, Security and Technical team and stayed in contact with Eventim.
We are very sorry.
For the VVIP People.
Right now we’re trying all which is possible for all Fans and not only for the Eventim people but also for the VIPP People! We just called Paypal and they let us know that we need to open a case to at least block the user from taking money out of his account. Please email them at so that they know of this case. They will need to know to which account you sent the money as well.
We are looking for a solution and we promise that we will keep you updated.
Dear K-Pop fans!
We know that are many rumours going around about the reason for the cancellation, if there will be an alternative date, about the refunding of the tickets (Eventim and VIPP), etc.
At the moment, we are doing the best we can in this situation and we have to clear up things in many ways. Tomorrow, we will publish an official statement about the cancellation. There, we will also give you a contact to whom you can direct your questions. We will collect these questions and answer them in an FAQ here on Facebook.
The event is cancelled at the ISS Dome and with all our other partners. As mentioned, feel free to contact us. Eventim and ISS Dome cannot make any definite statements as the official statement is not published yet.
Concerning the organizer DIF One from Korea: after many approaches to contact this organizer we have not got any messages or any feedback from them yet. As we are the local organizer, it should be correct for DIF One from Korea and us (hANKLANG Entertainment from Germany) to find solutions for all these problems together. But as the communication is rejected by DIF One, we were forced to reverse their admin rights for this site. They are not blocked though, as they told some of you in their e-mails. We cannot block someone who does not exist on Facebook anymore. DIF One can post comments on this site just like everyone else can.
We are very sorry for the great disappointment about this cancellation. We are shocked about this at least as much as you are. We are doing our best and we will keep you updated!